Behavior on the forum

Defamatory, racist, sexist, hateful, pornographic, illegal or generally insulting content must be avoided on this forum. You must respect the fact that people may have a different opinion than you. If you are in conflict with another member, please use PMs for that, this forum is not an arena!

Keep any drama away from the forums! Nobody cares about something going on between you and another forum member, just keep it to yourself or use the PMs to talk to that forum member about it.

Please, be patient. It's useless to bump your topic every few minutes. Every member of this forum has a private life besides the forum, so they can't always respond immediately

You must respect the moderators and administrators. They all work voluntarily on this forum and they are human, not machines!

If you received advertising, pornographic content or insults by PM, you must send the whole message and a screenshot of that message to a moderator via PM. Posting it in a topic is useless and will only cause conflicts between you and the one who sent you the PM

If you don't find your topic, it may have been moved to a more appropriate place.

Do not moderate other members. Moderating is reserved for staff members only.

In addition, don't purposefully antagonize others to illicit a response. It's rude and isn't tolerated, even if you are technically "operating within the rules".

Avatar and Profile

Sexually oriented, gore, blood, horror and any other type avatars that are considered to be inappropriate must be avoided

You may only have one forum account unless given permission by a moderator or the admin.

Possible Sanctions

If you made advertising by PM, you will see your PM mailbox disabled

If your avatar doesn't respect the rules and you ignore the moderator's request to have it changed, the Administrator will forbid you from displaying an Avatar

Ignoring the moderators warnings and continuing to not respect the rules and insulting people will result in a ban from this forum

Don't just make a roleplay thread for just yourself or something that you know only you and one other person will use. It is a waste of space and should be taken elsewhere.
       - This means that there must be at least three active people in a roleplay

Do not spam threads by bumping posts by quoting and sending the post. Only quote posts if it is to respond to the quote.

General Roleplaying Rules

- Don't have ridiculously overpowered characters. It's just not fun for anyone if your character is the Absolute God of Mega Hyper Death and everyone else's is balanced.

- No Godmodding. You can only control your own character, so instead of saying "My character fires the gun and it hits your character in the head", you should say, "My character aims the gun at your characters head and pulls the trigger." It gets the same message across, and still allows the other player to be able to control their character and decide what happens.

- Also, no God Moding. Which is to say, you can't have your character be perfect. If they are in a fight, they are going to take some hits. Nobody is so good to just be able to dodge everything.

- Let others be involved in the story creation. Unless you are the person who made the roleplay, you shouldn't have all the control over the story, talk to others in the group about your ideas and add them if you can agree on them.

- Your character isn't you, and they don't know everything you do. While you may know about Mr. Evil's plan to secretly assassinate your character, your character certainly doesn't, unless someone else's character has informed them.

- Don't suddenly give your character more abilities. There's no way your character just suddenly gained the ability to shoot lasers from their eyes. If they have any powers, put them in the character sheet in the beginning.

- Don't edit posts from far back just to make things you want canon. It doesn't work that way.

- Don't be gross. Don't have your characters do disgusting things to other characters such as rape them, or have your characters be pedophiles. It's against forum rules and is flat out gross.

- Don't be a dick. If you want to leave a roleplay, talk to the others about it and take care of your characters. Don't just drop your likely plot important characters and vanish. Only assholes do that.